The Giving


- P A R T I -

Slide photographs in tv style slide projector, 05:00 min audio track in headphones


- P A R T I I - 

Super8 film loop 03:00 min, 05:00 min audio track in headphones.


- P A R T I I I -

Slide photographs and printed text on slide projector. No audio


Digging deeper into the creation of memories and mental imagery. What is really ours and what has been given to us through stories?

The voice has changed, from softness to computerized authority pretending to be human. The voice of an unknown entity, in between man and machine, male and female.

My hope was to plant these images, these situations into the mind of the viewer and let them grow there until they become part of them, altering their minds in the slightest of ways.

Traces of fiction mixed with traces of reality carried through the materiality of the photographic.

Our mental archives.

We are taken to a clearing where there’s an abandoned car, then onwards to a school canteen and finally we close in on a specific glass object. The situations have integrated threads connecting them.

We share these memories now.

We were there.


Amygdala Response Stimulator (ARS)


You remember this